Monday, December 14, 2015

Something you didn't know about homeowner's insurance in Pennsylvania

On May 22nd 2014 a hail storm struck southeastern Pennsylvania and caused much damage to vehicles, businesses, homes, and infrastructure. Although the immediate effects of this event have passed, insurers and their policyholders are still being effected by this incident. Here's a link to a Reading Eagle article written a year after the hail storm, showing the number of claims that each insurer received, as well as their presence in Pennsylvania.

Farmers has only been operating in Pennsylvania for about five years. Farmers, one of the top five largest insurers in America, originated on the west coast and spread eastward, having a lower number of policyholders in Pennsylvania as compared to the other insurers listed in the Reading Eagle article. Within the months following the hail storms, many Pennsylvanians experience a rate increase on their homeowner's policies as a direct result of the number of hail claims that occurred in such a short time. Farmers, with is relatively low number of policy holders in southeastern Pennsylvania, was immune to this fallout.

This is one of the reasons why Farmer's homeowner's insurance package is one of the most competitive in the industry, especially for people in Pennsylvania.